Book Reviews

     Book Reviews are the best!!! I love giving you guys thoughts about my favorite books. In fact, I'm going to start right now!!! 


By Donna Freitas


What the Book is About: 

   Gold Medal Winter is about your normal sixteen-year old girl, Esperanza Flores. Well, not normal, exactly. She's a star skater, heading off to the Olympics! It's not what she expects out of a competition. Her sport, ice skating, seems to have the MOST drama going on behind the scenes. On ice, it's normal. Backstage, it's a nightmare. With jealous boys, catty girls, Espi doesn't know what to make of it. Can Espi block out the drama? Or will it get the best of her and tear her down? Read the book to find out! 

Why I Like It: 

    I like it because it's realistic. I'll bet that most of you guys have read a book that has a perfect beginning, perfect middle, and perfect ending. But let me make myself clear. Life is not perfect. Don't try to live in a world where everything is okay. But it's not. People make mistakes. People mess up. But we always have a chance to fix it. Trust me on this. 

How I Found It: 

    I've actually already read Gold Medal Summer, another book by Donna Freitas. Let me tell you. It's beautiful. So when I saw one copy sitting on the shelf in my school's book fair, the only logical thing for me to do was buy it. So I did. And I'm glad that I did. 

     I'm begging you right now. Please don't stop writing. Five star book, right here. 

You. Must. Read. This. Book. 

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